Yun Wang
School of Journalism and Information Communication
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Assistant Professor
Personal Introduction
Dr. Yun Wang received his Ph.D from Zhejiang University. He is currently aresearchfellow of Institute of National Communication Strategy, HUST.He also serves as the associate editor ofJournalism and Information Communication. His main research interests include culture study, mediaproductionand political communication, especially focusing on the information flow between the state and civil society, andpoliticaland publicinfluences of new media technology. His research has been published in top-tier Chinese journalism andcommunicationjournals such asJournalism & CommunicationandCommunication & Society.
Areas of Research Expertise
Culture Study; Social Media and Public Sphere; Media Production
Areas of Teaching Expertise
Political Communication; News Commentary; Qualitative Research Method.
Yun Wang(2020).Understanding New Media: Online Content Production and Public Culture. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press.
Lisa Gitelman (2020).Paper Knowledge: Toward A Media History of Documents. Trans. byYun Wang, Shanghai: Fudan University Press.
Yun Wang& Xianhong Chen (2019). Towards a national narrative in the context of global governance: An intertextual narrative model of “Telling China’s Story Well”.Journalism & Communication, 7, 18-32.
Yun Wang(2019). Media interaction in socialnetworks: An empirical analysis of Sina Weibo.Communication & Society,50, 159–186.
Yun Wang(2017). Gift,Entertainment,and Group Interaction: Examining Publicity in Online Video Culture.Journalism & Communication, 9, 61-78.
Peiren Shao &Yun Wang*(Corresponding Author) (2017).How Does Social Media Change Chinese Political Culture? The Formation of Fragmentized Public Sphere,Telematics and Informatics,2017,34(3), 694-704.
Yun Wang(2019). The Daily We: Community dynamic in self-media production and reflections on its sustainability.Modern Communication, 1, 152-157.
Yun Wang(2019). Between Tradition and Transformation: PR Practitioners’ Social Media Practice and Their Imaginations about Journalism.Journalism & Communication Review,72(6), 108-119.
Yun Wang(2019). Computation Myth: A computational approach to news production and its public influences.Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University,48(1), 23-31.
Yun Wang(2018). The risk structure of public sphere: Online governance, practical dilemma and methods.The Journal of Humanities,2,119-128.
Yun Wang(2018). The Turning Point of New Media Study: Communication Studies in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.Editorial Friend,2, 60-66.
Yun Wang(2017). Gift,Entertainment,and Group Interaction: Examining Publicity in Online Video Culture.Journalism & Communication, 9, 61-78.
Yun Wang(2017). Governmental trust in the governance context of risk society: An explanatory framework of risk perception.Jiangxi Social Sciences,2, 229-239.
Yun Wang& Rui Xu (2021). Daka destination asWanghong: Online users’ everyday practice in Vlog environment.China Youth Study, 2,105-11.
Yun Wang(2015). An alternative public sphere? Examining online game community.Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication,8, 47-66.
Peiren Shao &Yun Wang(2016). Global geographic imagination of Online news: Examining international coverage on Xinhua net.Contemporary Communication, 5, 14-34.
Peiren Shao &Yun Wang(2016). Localizing innovation of communication method: The Perspective of cognitive communication.Modern Communication, 5,14-20.
Peiren Shao &Yun Wang(2016). Touch the Hidden Voice: Public Opinion Cognition, Big Data Governance and the Reflection.Editorial Friend,12, 5-10.
Peiren Shao,Yun Wang(2015). Steering to relationship perspective: Analysis about diffusion structure of cyber resistance.Zhejiang Academic Journal,6, 199-207.
Peiren Shao,Yun Wang(2015). Grass-roots level/units:The substrate image of representation and finalization — The grass-roots' reports amidst the journalism practice of "visiting the grassroots, rectifying work-style and changing writing - style",Journalism Bimonthly,4, 51-59.
Yun Wang(2015). Be real or not: Movie market's transformation and reconstruction in a digital age.Southeast Communication,3, 31-36.
Peiren Shao,Yun Wang(2014). Online justice and the changing of media terrorism.Exploration and Free Views,12, 57-61.
Qingguo Xie,Yun Wang(2014). Identity and practices in the Cross-Strait internet public sphere.Taiwan Studies,5, 19-28.
Qingguo Xie,Yun Wang(2014). Media roles, functions and practices in the Cross-Strait political mutual trust.Journal of Xiamen University (Arts & Social Sciences), 5, 64-74.
Qingguo Xie,Yun Wang(2013). "Cross-Strait" Pingtan or "Local" Pingtan: Based on the news sources and media agendas ofPingtan Times. Taiwan Research Quarterly,3, 85-94.