Lulu Peng,Female,1991.10,Ph.D.
Title:Post doc
Subject:Journalism and Information Communication
Education experience:
Ph.D., Communication Arts & Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University
M.A., Communication, University of Connecticut
B.A., Journalism, Xiamen University
Employment experience:
Huazhong University of Science and Technology - School of Journalism & Information Communication - Postdoc
Research Keywords:Health Communication、Human-AI Communication、Computational Social Science
Professional Affiliations:
Reviewer for New Media & Society, Media Psychology, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking, and Computers in Human Behavior.
Reviewer for and member of International Communication Association and National Communication Association.
Main Research Projects& Papers and Books Finished or Now Engaged:
1. Peng, L., Shen, L., Vanderbilt, R. R., Kim, Y., & Foley, K. A. (2020). The impact of fear versus state empathy on persuasion and social stigma. Media Psychology, 23(1), 1–24. (SSCI Q1; IF: 3.82)
2. Mercer Kollar, L. M., Peng, L., Ports, K. A., & Shen, L. (2020). Who will be a bystander? An exploratory study of first-person perception effects on campus bystander behavioral intentions. Journal of Family Violence, 35(6), 647–658. (SSCI Q1; IF: 2.18)
3. Cho, H., Shen, L., & Peng, L. (2021). Examining and extending the influence of presumed influence hypothesis in social media. Media Psychology, 24(3), 413–435. (SSCI Q1; IF: 3.82)
4. Park, H. J., Francisco, S. C., Pang, M. R., Peng, L., & Chi, G. (2021). Exposure to anti-Black Lives Matter movement and obesity of the Black population. Social Science & Medicine. Advance online publication. (Corresponding author; SSCI Q1; IF: 4.63)