Marwan Hasan Naji Sallam
Marwan H. Sallam got his Ph.D. from the Department of Educational Technology at Zhejiang University in December 2020. Dr. Marwan is interested in MOOCs, Language MOOCs, and new media tools and how to use them to spread culture, change attitudes and promote cultural exchange.
Official email: sallam@hust.edu.cn
Research Keywords:Cultural communication、Instructional design、Cross-cultural education and language learning、Open and distance learning
Education experience:
Ph.D. in Educational Technology, Zhejiang University, China, 2014–2020.
Chinese Language and Culture, Zhejiang University, China, Zhejiang University, China, 2013–2014.
Master in Instructional Technology, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, 2010–2013.
Second Bachelor in Psychology and social studies (Educational Counselling), Ibb University, Yemen, 2008 - 2010.
Bachelor in Art Education, Ibb University, Yemen, 2002–2006.
Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Journalism and Information Communication, University of Science and Technology, China, from 20/08/2021 - Present.
Teaching Assistant, College of Education, Ibb University, Yemen, 28/11/2007–28/02/2010.
Main Research Projects& Papers and Books Finished or Now Engaged:
Li, Y., Chen, X., Chen, Y., Zhang, F., & Sallam, M. H. (2021, May). Investigation of College Teachers' TPACK Level During the Epidemic Situation: Taking Chu Kochen Honors College, Zhejiang University as an Example. In 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD) (pp. 480-484). IEEE.
Sallam, M. H., Martín-Monje, E., & Li, Y. (2020). Research trends in language MOOC studies: a systematic review of the published literature (2012-2018). Computer Assisted Language Learning. 1-28 (SSCI).
Yan Li, Sallam, M. H., Yinghua Ye*. (2019). The impact of WeChat use intensity and addiction on academic performance. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, Vol. 47 Issue 1, p1-7. 7p. (SSCI).
Sallam, M. H. (2017). A Review of MOOCs in the Arab World. Creative Education, 8. 564, (04).
Sallam, M. H. (2016). Experience of the Confucius Institute Online and the Possibility of its Benefits in Teaching Arabic Language Online for Non-Arabic Speakers. Open Education Research, 2(2), 38-52.
Conferences andSeminars:
Sallam, M. H. (27, 10, 2019). Design and Development of Chinese LMOOC: A Case Study of "Introduction to Chinese". The 5th National Education Empirical Research Forum. Shanghai.
Sallam, M. H. (04, 05, 2016). Experience of the Confucius Institute Online and the Possibility of Benefiting from it in Teaching Arabic Language Online. The Fifth International Conference for the Arabic Language. Dubai.
Sallam Marwan H. et. al. (Team Leader). Bronze Award. Project: LyanX阿中语言教育平台. The 5th China College Students’ “Internet Plus" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. (2019).
CSC (Full Scholarship) for Ph.D.
King Saud University (Full Scholarship) for Master.
Bachelor's Degree with Honors.